woensdag 16 oktober 2013

Het kleine tussendoor projectje

Met al die Pronkrol berichtjes lijkt het net of ik de laatste tijd alleen maar aan mijn pronkrol heb gewerkt. dat is natuurlijk niet zo. Ik heb ook nog aan andere werkjes gewerkt. Onder andere heb ik dit kleine quiltje gemaakt dat ik begin oktober heb afgemaakt. Ik had een pakketje met Moda Candy's gekocht en dat gecombineerd met lapjes uit mijn voorraad. Dit is het resultaat:

With al the blogs about my Pronkrol it looks like I do nothing else, but thats not true. I also work on other projects. One of the things I made was this little quilt. I made it from a Moda Candy I bought togehter with some fabrics from my stash.

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Unknown zei

Did you know there's a 12 word sentence you can say to your crush... that will induce deep feelings of love and instinctual attractiveness for you deep within his heart?

That's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, admire and care for you with his entire heart...

===> 12 Words That Fuel A Man's Love Response

This impulse is so hardwired into a man's brain that it will make him try better than before to to be the best lover he can be.

Matter of fact, fueling this powerful impulse is absolutely mandatory to having the best ever relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

...You'll soon notice him expose his soul and heart for you in such a way he haven't experienced before and he'll see you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly attracted him.

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